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SixDays Budapest November 2024 IM-A

Darrera actualització27.11.2024 13:30:19, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Tamas Gyomber

Llista del rànquing inicial

9IMKrishna, C R G5018625IND2448
6IMHorvath, David704890HUN2321
10IMTo, Nhat Minh729019HUN2314
3FMKolimar, Kristof Pal798410HUN2286
2FMNemeth, Zalan2512041IRL2268
4FMOtsuka, Shou7004702JPN2248
5FMMahitosh, Dey25091468IND2220
1Fodor, Balazs741850HUN2206
8Wang, Hao(Zj)8631859CHN2095
7Semprun Martinez, Fernando2203170ESP2025